Sunset in Liberty Lake, Wa. June 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010


Urban Nature
Learning to see is dangerous and takes lots of work.  I often drive with a destination in mind but I am constanly looking at my surroundings.  I remember when I was growing up my Mom would constantly scold my Dad to keep his eyes on the road ahead, as he was constantly looking off to the sides of the road for something interesting.  He was observing his surroundings, scanning off in the distance, cultivating his observation skills.  I understand now what intrigued him, the world.  I have the same facination for everything, and I want to observe the world from every possible vantage point.  In Chris Orwigs book Visual Poetry he writes about learning to see the world with the fresh eyes of a child, be mindful of your surroundings, carry your camera everywhere you go and compose pictures that tell a story about your life.