Sunset in Liberty Lake, Wa. June 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Double Shoshone

Today we went on a River rafting trip down the Colorado river with the World's Greatest River Rafting Guide Bob Morse!  He skilfully led us through a series of rapids called the "Shoshone". In order they are called, The Baptism (Bob calls it the Entrance Exam), Tombstone, The Wall (of Death and Dismemberment), Taco Hole (where the raft could fold in half and you are the meat) and the Man Eater!  These are class III - IV rapids and just when you think you made it through alive... he pulls over to the side of the river and you get out, pull out the raft, cart it up to the waiting vehicle, drive back to the top and do it all again!!!  What a thrill!  After a long day, all I had strength to do was read about photography for 30 minutes and fall asleep.