Sunset in Liberty Lake, Wa. June 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Meet the Parents

I drove today and after work went over to check on Mom and Pops.  I saw some lovely mist on the lake in the morning but did not leave the house soon enough to run over and snap some pictures!  I considered being late for work by 5 or 10 minutes but decided against it since my 90 day review is coming up next month!

The Bus Ride

I have been riding the bus to save money and it gives me the chance to read photography articles.  I got my reading done on the bus today.  I picked up a PSA (Photographic Society of America) magazine at my camera club meeting on Monday night.  It was an old, out dated edition that one of the members brought in to get rid of and I snapped it up.  I read one article on histograms and another on aperature!  Fascinating stuff!